10 mai 2019 3168

Documentation :


WS-LiSli is a Lightbox Slider jQuery plugin created by Alexandre Buleté. Here is the premium version, if you want to access at the free version go here : free version.

The premium version have a lot of additional functionalities like a selector bar, a zoom panning, sharing buttons your media on social networks etc…

You can also place all buttons and functionalities where you want.


19.99 €

To access of this premium version please contact me : alexandre.bulete@walkerspider.com


Demo in video

Getting Started

To use WS-LiSli Premium plugin in your project you have to import jquery and jquery-ui scripts

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

After this you can add the WS-LiSli script in your footer like this :

$(function() {
        // add your custom options here


Enable elements

You can enable any elements you need by using the enable array.

// example :
enable : [
    // 'dots',
    // 'playback',
    // 'zoom',

You can also enable the caption elements needed with the caption array

caption : ['title', 'description']
// example a)
enable : [
    // 'dots',
    // 'playback',
    // 'zoom',
    // 'selector',
    // 'wrapper',
    // 'count'
caption : ['title', 'description']
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// example b)
enable : [
caption : ['title'],
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example 2 - Plugin Walker Spider
enable (Array)
'share'Display the share button
'arrows'Display the slider arrows
'dots'Display the slider dots
'playback'Display the playback buttons (play/pause, first and last)
'zoom'Display the zoom-paning button
'close'Display the close button to exit the lightbox (to exit the lightbox without this button you can use the escape keyboard)
'caption'Display the image’s caption (title and description)
'selector'Display the images selector banner
'wrapper'Display the wrapper selector button (to hide/show the images selector banner)
'count'Display the count images which show the image position and total images (example : 4/6).
caption (Array)
'title'Display the picture’s title
'desription'Display the picture’s description


Element positions

Positioning of all elements can be customized with the pos_{element} options. They are arrays contening 2 strings.

  • the first for positioning in space ('top_right''top_left''bottom_right''bottom_left')
  • the second for positioning relatively to the lightbox image ('outside''inside''attached-X' ou 'attached-Y').
// example a) :
pos_shareButton       : [ 'top_right' , 'outside'],
pos_zoomButton        : [ 'top_right', 'outside'],
pos_wrapperButton     : [ 'bottom_left', 'outside'],
pos_playbackButton    : [ 'bottom_right', 'attached-X'],
pos_selector          : [ 'bottom', 'outside'],
pos_closeButton       : [ 'top_right', 'outside']
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example positions 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// example b) :
pos_shareButton       : [ 'top_right' , 'inside'],
pos_zoomButton        : [ 'top_right', 'inside'],
pos_wrapperButton     : [ 'bottom_right', 'outside'],
pos_playbackButton    : [ 'bottom_right', 'inside'],
pos_selector          : [ 'right', 'outside'],
pos_closeButton       : [ 'top_right', 'inside'],
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example positions 2 - Plugin Walker Spider
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
pos_closeButtonArraythe close button to exit the lightbox['top_right' , 'outside']
pos_zoomButtonArraythe zoom buton for the zoom-paning mode['top_right', 'inside']
pos_wrapperButtonArraythe wrapper button to close/open the images selector banner. His second parameter can only be ‘outside’.['bottom_right', 'outside']
pos_playbackButtonArraythe playback buttons (play, stop, first, last)['top_center', 'attached-X']
pos_selectorArraythe images selector banner can only be positioned on the ‘bottom’ or on the ‘right’ and ‘outside’['bottom', 'outside']
pos_shareButtonArraythe sharing button display in hover the differents social networks.['top_left' , 'attached-X']

Box Positions

Each possible spots are structured with boxes to accept multiples buttons. This boxes can be customized in 2 forms : 'align' or 'stack'.

  • 'align' : display horizontally the buttons
  • 'stack' : display vertically the buttons
// examples :
box_top_right_outside     : 'align',
box_bottom_right_outside  : 'align',
box_bottom_left_inside    : 'stack'
// a) example with align
box_top_right_outside     : 'align',
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example box positions 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// b) example with stack
box_top_right_outside     : 'stack',
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example box positions 2 - Plugin Walker Spider


You can customize the appearance of the buttons according to your style with the object buttons

// example a) :
buttons : {
    size : 30,
    style : 'square',
    color : 'black',
    color_icon : 'white',
    border_width : 0,
    border_color : 'white',
    opacity : .8,
    hover_opacity : 1
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example buttons 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// example b) :
buttons: {
    size            : 35,
    style           : 'circle',
    color           : 'white',
    color_icon      : 'red',
    border_width    : 0,
    border_color    : '',
    opacity         : 1,
    hover_opacity   : 1
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example buttons 2 - Plugin Walker Spider
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
sizeIntegerSets the button size (value in pixel)30
styleStringDefine the button style (accepted values : 'default''square''rounded' or 'circle')'square'
colorStringSets the button color (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'white'
color_iconStringSets the color of the button icon (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'black'
border_widthIntegerSets the border width of the button (value in pixel)0
border_colorStringSets the border color of the button (color name and hexadecimal accepted)border_color
opacityDecimalSets the ratio of the button opacity.8
hover_opacityDecimalSets the ratio of the button opacity during the mouse hover1


You can customize the appearance of the lightbox arrows according to your style with the object arrows

// example a) :
arrows : {
    position : 'outside',
    style : 'svelt',
    icon_style : 'caret',
    icon_size : 24,
    opacity : .2,
    hover_effect : 'translate',
    hover_opacity : .5
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example arrows 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// example b) :
arrows : {
    position : 'inside',
    style : 'circle',
    icon_style : 'angle',
    icon_size : 24,
    opacity : .5,
    hover_effect : 'shrink',
    hover_opacity : 1
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example arrows 2 - Plugin Walker Spider
Option nameTypeDescriptionDafault value
positionStringDefines the arrows position (accepted values : 'outside''inside' or 'attached')'outside'
styleStringDefines the arrows style (accepted values : 'square''rounded''circle' or 'svelt')'svelt'
icon_styleStringDefines the icon style of the arrows (accepted values : 'default''caret''angle' or 'chevron')caret
icon_sizeIntegerSets the icon size of the arrows (value in pixel)24
opacityDecimalSets the ratio of the arrows opacity.5
hover_effectStringDefines the effect of the arrows during the mouse hover (accepted values : 'zoom''shrink' or 'translate')'translate'
hover_opacityDecimalSets the ratio of the arrows opacity during the mouse hover.8


You can also customize the dots of the slider.

// example a) :
dots: {
    style         : 'square',
    size          : 15,
    spacing       : 3,
    color         : 'white',
    border_width  : 0,
    border_color  : '',
    opacity       : .3,
    hover_effect  : 'zoom',
    actived       : {
        color         : 'white',
        border_color  : '',
        opacity       : 1
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example dots 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// example b) :
dots: {
    style         : 'rounded',
    size          : 20,
    spacing       : 5,
    color         : 'aliceblue',
    border_width  : 0,
    border_color  : '',
    opacity       : .3,
    hover_effect  : 'zoom',
    actived       : {
        color         : 'lightblue',
        border_color  : '',
        opacity       : 1
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example dots 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
styleStringDefines the dots style of the slider (accepted values : 'square''rounded' or 'circle')'square'
sizeIntegerSets the dots size of the slider (value in pixel)6
spacingIntegerDefines the space between each dots (value in pixel)3
colorStringSets the dots color (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'black'
border_widthIntegerSets the border width of the slider dots (value in pixel)0
border_colorStringSets the border color of the dots (color name and hexadecimal accepted)''
opacityDecimalSets the ratio of the dots opacity.3
activedObjectcolor (String) Sets the color of the actived dot (color name and hexadecimal accepted). Default Value : 'black'
border_color (String) Sets the border color of the actived dot (color name and hexadecimal accepted). Default Value : ''
opacity (Decimal) Sets the opacity ratio of the actived dot. Default Value : 1


The selector allows you to see all the pictures present in the slider as thumbnails. When you click on one of the thumbnail it will select you directly the picture associated.

This selector is like a banner scrollable positionable at the bottom or the right of the screen.

You can customize the appearance of the banner selector according to your style with the object selector

// example :
selector: {
    size          : 130,
    padding       : 5,
    margin        : 10,
    gap           : 5,
    bg_color      : 'black',
    border_color  : 'black',
    border_width  : 1,
    border_radius : 0,
    opacity       : .5,
    hover         : {
        border_color  : 'lightgrey',
        opacity       : .8
    actived       : {
        border_color  : 'white',
        opacity       : 1
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
sizeIntegerSets the height of the banner selector (value in pixel)130
paddingIntegerSets the padding top and bottom of the banner selector (value in pixel)5
marginIntegerSets the margin top and bottom of the banner selector (value in pixel)10
gapIntegerSets the gap between each thumbnails in the banner selector (value in pixel)5
bg_colorStringDefines the background color of the banner selector (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'black'
border_colorStringDefines the border color of thumbnails (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'black'
border_widthIntegerSets the border width of the thumbnails (value in pixel)1
border_radiusIntegerSets the border radius of the thumbnails (value in pixel)0
opacityDecimalSets the ratio of the selector opacity.5
hoverObjectborder_color (String) Defines the border color during the mouse hover. Default value : 'lightgrey'
opacity (Decimal) Sets the opacity of the banner selector. Default value : .8
activedObjectborder_color (String) Defines the border color of the actived thumbnails. Default value : 'white'
opacity (Decimal) Sets the opacity of the actived thumbnails. Default value : 1

The selector arrows

The banner selector have his own arrows and can be customized separately of the lightbox arrows.

selector_arrows: {
    color         : 'black',
    color_icon    : 'white',
    style         : 'svelt',
    icon_style    : 'angle',
    icon_size     : 24,
    opacity       : .2,
    hover_effect  : 'translate',
    hover_opacity : .5
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
colorStringDefines the color of the selector arrows (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'black'
color_iconStringDefines the icon color of the selector arrows (color name and hexadecimal accepted)'white'
styleStringDefines the style of the selector arrows (accepted values : 'default''square''rounded''circle' or 'svelt')'svelt'
icon_styleStringDefines the icon style of the selector arrows (accepted values : 'default''caret''angle' or 'chevron')'angle'
icon_sizeIntegerSets the icon size of the selector arrows (value in pixel)24
opacityDecimalSets the opacity of the selector arrows.2
hover_effectStringDefines the effect of the selector arrows during the mouse hover (accepted values : 'zoom''shrink' or 'translate')'translate'
hover_opacityDecimalSets the opacity of the selector arrows during the mouse hover.5

Social networks

The social_networks object allows you to share your media on the social networks (twitter, facebook and pinterest).
This object contains an option domain to determinate your website link and 3 objects : twitterfacebook and pinterest.

This 3 objects allow you to customize the social networks buttons individually.

// example :
social_networks : {
    domain       : 'https://my-domain.com',
    twitter  : {
        username      : 'Walker Spider',
        color         : '#55acee',
        icon          : 'fab fa-twitter',
        color_icon    : 'white'
    facebook : {
        color         : '',
        icon          : 'fab fa-facebook-f',
        color_icon    : '#3b5998'
    pinterest : {
        color         : '',
        icon          : 'fab fa-pinterest',
        color_icon    : '#bd081c'
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainStringSets the link of your website'https://example.com'

Twitter (Object)

Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
username(String)Defines the username of your twitter account'Walker Spider'
color(String)Defines the color of the button (override the buttons settings)'#55acee'
icon(String)Defines the icon (from a class of the fontawesome library)'fab fa-twitter'
color_icon(String)Defines the icon color of the button'white'

Facebook (Object)

Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
color(String)Defines the color of the button (override the buttons settings)''
icon(String)Defines the icon (from a class of the fontawesome library)'fab fa-facebook-f'
color_icon(String)Defines the icon color of the button'#3b5998'

Pinterest (Object)

Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
color(String)Defines the color of the button (override the buttons settings)''
icon(String)Defines the icon (from a class of the fontawesome library)'fab fa-pinterest'
color_icon(String)Defines the icon color of the button'#bd081c'

Background & image


You can customize the background lightbox with a filter and an opacity.

The filter option can be a color or be setted to 'image' if we want to get the current image selected as a blur background.

// example with background image :
background : {
    filter  : 'image',
    opacity : .8
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example background image - Plugin Walker Spider
// example with background color :
background : {
    filter  : 'aquamarine',
    opacity : 1
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example background color - Plugin Walker Spider
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
filterStringSets the background of the lightbox (accepted values : the color names, the hexadecimal and 'image''image'
opacityDecimalSets the opacity background of the lightbox..5


The lightbox image can be customize with border options and you can set a background with the option bg.
This background will can be viewed during the transition.

// example a) :
image : {
    border_radius : 10,
    border_color  : '',
    border_width  : 0,
    bg            : ''
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example image 1 - Plugin Walker Spider
// example b) :
image : {
    border_radius : 0,
    border_color  : 'aquamarine',
    border_width  : 2,
    bg            : ''
WS-LiSli Lightbox Slider Premium - Example image 2 - Plugin Walker Spider
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
border_radiusIntegerSets the border radius of the image (value in pixel)0
border_colorStringSets the border color of the image''
border_widthIntegerSets the border width of the image (value in pixel)0
bgStringSets the background of the image (can be viewed during the transition)''


You can customize different speeds animations of the application : the display of the lightbox with the option display_velocity, the slide animation with slide_velocity and the autoplay with autoplay_velocity.

This options accept an integer value (in ms) or a string : 'low' , 'normal' or 'fast'.

// exmaple :
velocities : {
    display_velocity  : 'low',
    slide_velocity    : 'normal',
    autoplay_velocity : 'normal'
Option nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
display_velocityString or IntegerSets the speed of the displaay animation (accepted value : integer, low (equivalent to 800ms), normal (equivalent to 400ms) or fast (equivalent to 200ms)'low'
slide_velocityString or IntegerSets the speed of slide animation (accepted value : integer, low (equivalent to 800ms), normal (equivalent to 400ms) or fast (equivalent to 200ms)'normal'
autoplay_velocityString or IntegerSets the speed of autoplay slide animation (accepted value : integer, low (equivalent to 8000ms), normal (equivalent to 4000ms) or fast (equivalent to 1000ms)'normal'